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ISO 9001 certificate – Exeger Operations AB | 200 KB | Download |
All our actions are filtered through our values and philosophy – this is Exeger culture and we remain true to our principles of respect, honesty, courage, knowledge and beauty. We push the boundaries of what is considered possible, we meet our own high demands and are in a constant state of driving process improvements.
Exeger has dedicated, innovative and passionate employees who form strong teams. Coupled with disruptive innovations in material science and machinery this enables world domination in targeted markets. Exeger has embraced the philosophy and approach of the International Quality Standards as recognized models on which to base its Quality Policy and Quality Management System, these in turn are linked and support the company’s business strategy.
Exeger always deliver the right product on time and constantly meet internal, and external, stakeholders’ expectations. We are proud to be part of Exeger and have integrity in who we are and what we deliver.

Exeger employees are the most valuable asset in the company. The development, involvement and motivation of the workforce is key in order to achieve sustained profitability, growth and to meet all expectations from internal and external parties.
Exeger is the first choice for customers thanks to its principle of customer satisfaction as a key business objective. Customer satisfaction is fulfilled through the effective application and continual improvement of the company’s Quality Management System.

All employees and teams assume responsibility for their work and actions. Every person is willing and able to enforce the principles of the Exeger Quality Management System. We are responsible and accountable to each other first and foremost, only then can we be truly customer centered.
Exeger places emphasis on identifying and managing risk within the business to ensure sustained supply of products that fulfil its customer specifications and requirements together with compliance to national, international and regulatory legislation

Giovanni Fili
Chief Executive Officer